COVID-19 Response – Programs Information
LUM is Open for Business – Safety & Compliance

LUM is open for business, but “how” LUM serves the families in our community has been modified to keep everyone as safe as possible. Below is information on how LUM is continuing to serve the families in our community today.
LUM Office – 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN
- Phones staffed from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday – Friday
- No in-person visitors or clients allowed
Assistance Programs
- Good Samaritan Program
- New requests, email; must provide documentation (lease, bill or prescription) attached in email
- Active requests, email or call 765-423-2691 – M-F, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- ID Clinic
- No new clients, until further notice
- Current clients, email
- Immigration Clinic — All inquiries – email
- Spanish Conversation Tables and Citizenship Classes have been postponed until further notice
- Tax Assistance Program
- No new clients being accepted
- Current clients – email
Children’s Programs/Youth Programs
- After School Program – closed, until schools reopen
- 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program (May 26 – August 3) – applications for summer childcare are being accepted
- LUM Camp (July 28 – 31) –
- Planning is moving forward, with cautious optimism
- Volunteer Camp Counselors NEEDED – learn more & apply HERE
Food Programs – Protein Food Pantry (525 N 4th Street, Lafayette)
- Open – Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.; offering to-go, curbside service only
- DONATIONS of protein food items, paper products, infant supplies & feminine hygiene products are needed and welcome. To learn more and see our list of needed items, click HERE.
Homeless Services
- Emergency Shelter (525 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN)
- Open nightly, with a strict protocol for intake, check in, dinner service and sleeping arrangements
- Intake – 1:30 p.m., LUM Office 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette
- DONATIONS – Meals are needed every evening. Please consider preparing a meal for our shelter guests. To learn more and sign up online, please click HERE.
- Winter Warming Station is closed until November 15, 2020 allowing staff to focus on the Emergency Shelter