There are many different opportunities for volunteering, from working one-on-one with a child in Youth Programs to helping out at the 48-bed Emergency Shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. Some volunteer positions require training, others require only a willing heart and a helping hand.
- Financial Assistance Program – Volunteer
- Immigration Clinic – Volunteer
- Tax Assistance Program – Volunteer
- Jubilee Christmas – Volunteer
* Training Provided
FOOD Programs
- Food Rescue – Volunteer
- Protein Food Pantry – Information | Sign up: MONDAYS | THURSDAYS
- Community Thanksgiving Feast – Information | Volunteer | Prepare Food
- Emergency Shelter (Every night) – Overnight Volunteers | Provide Meals
- Deep Cleaning – Ray Ewry Center (Monthly) – Sign Up
- Winter Warming Station (Nov. – April: every night) – Provide Meals
YOUTH Programs
- After School Program – Volunteer
- 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program – Volunteer
- LUM Camp – Volunteer Counselors
- Bus Drivers – ASP & 5th Quarter
If your group would like to volunteer with LUM, please email or call for more information (volunteer@LUMserve.org | 765.423.2691). To view a list of all of the volunteer sign up sheets, click HERE.
There are opportunities to fit every schedule, from regular long-term commitments such as being an advocate once a week with the Immigration Clinic, Financial Assistance Program or ID Clinic — or doing data entry at the LUM Food Pantry or intake for our shelter guests each weekday — to annual events such as Hunger Hike, LUM Camp, Community Thanksgiving Feast, Turkey Trot 5K Run, Immigration Clinic fundraising event or Jubilee Christmas.