Tackling basic human needs and uplifting the people of Greater Lafayette.
There are many different opportunities for volunteering, from working one-on-one with a child in Youth Programs to helping out at the 44-bed emergency homeless shelter.
LUM receives most of its financial support from individual gifts, member church contributions, and donations from church & civic groups and businesses.
Get Help
LUM’s many programs serve the needs of children, families, and others in the community throughout the year.
“Stock the Shelves” of LUM Food Pantry
Expanded Hours – Increased Need for Donations & Volunteer Support the expansion of the LUM Protein Food Pantry by “stocking the shelves” with food, paper products, and personal hygiene items.
Your Vote, Your Power: Why Elections Matter
Your Voice Shapes the Future – Locally & Nationally It’s time to step up! Voting isn’t just important—it’s crucial. Your vote influences your community, state, and country. Here’s why you
Food Pantry Open House
Lafayette Urban Ministry invites you to a special event on Monday, September 9, at noon. An Open House will be held at the LUM Protein Food Pantry to celebrate the
Welcome To LUM
Lafayette Urban Ministry is an organization of more than 45 Christian churches that serves as a social safety net for our community’s children and families.
For more than 50 years, LUM has worked to give back the hope, the future, and self-respect to low-income people in the Greater Lafayette area. LUM takes an active role in trying to change social injustices and improve the quality of life for the poor of Indiana.
LUM invites you to learn about LUM and keep up to date with the latest LUM news and developments.
LUM Info
LUM Office
420 N 4th Street
Lafayette IN 47901-2213
Phone: 765.423.2691
E-mail: lum@LUMserve.org
Website: LUMserve.org
LUM Emergency Shelter
525 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN
LUM Ray Ewry Center
525 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN
LUM Protein Food Pantry
6th Street between Ferry & North Streets, Lafayette, IN
LUM Westside Food Pantry
333 Meridian Street, West Lafayette, IN
Federal Tax ID number: 35-1182938
Nondiscrimination Statement – LUM does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, parental status, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity, in any of its activities or operations.