
Three Ways to Support LUM Today

During times like these it is important to give wisely. LUM is a great investment in your local community.

A collaboration of 47 local churches, LUM serves as a social safety net for children and families who are experiencing difficult times. Last year, Lafayette Urban Ministry served more than 3,792 families through one or another of our 22 programs.

Here are three ways you, your organization and your business can support and invest in Lafayette Urban Ministry.

  1. CASH DONATIONS are preferred because they allow LUM to purchase what is needed, when it’s needed. To give online, go to lumserve.org/donate/.
  2. MEALS — Prepare a meal for the guests at the LUM Emergency Shelter. You may prepare & serve meals –OR– just drop off your prepared meal –OR– donate food that the LUM staff can prepare, like bread, deli meats, and large cans of soup, stew & chili. For more information and to sign up, go to lumserve.org/shelter-meal/.
  3. NEEDED ITEMS—Donations of “needed items” are also welcome and appreciated. To view the LUM Wishlist of Needed Items, go to lumserve.org/wish-list/. You may either ship or drop off items to the LUM Office (420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901). Here is a list of “COVID-19 Supplies” that are urgently needed now:
  • Disinfectant (for surfaces) – bleach, wipes (Lysol, Clorox), spray (Lysol), cleaner (Fantasik, 409, Clorox)
  • Hand Cleaning – antibacterial wipes, gloves (nitrile disposable), hand sanitizer, liquid hand soap
  • Paper Products – paper towels, facial tissues, toilet paper

To give online, go to lumserve.org/donate/. To view the LUM Wish List of Needed Items, go to lumserve.org/wish-list/. THANK YOU.

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