2019 LUM Events — Save the Dates
Now is a great time to add these important LUM programs to your calendar.
LUM Follies (May 3, 2019) – The event is a lighthearted evening of fine dining, entertainment, fun & good company — filled with delightful surprises. The best part is that 100% of the proceeds from this event go to the LUM Good Samaritan Fund, an emergency financial assistance program that supports local families.
LUM Camp (July 29 – August 2) – A week-long, overnight camp program at Hanging Rock Camp for children from 8 to 10 years old from low-income families. Why not say “yes” this year to being a volunteer LUM Camp Counselor?
Hunger Hike (September 21-22) – Saturday, September 21 is the annual HH5K Run. Sunday (9/22) is the traditional Hunger Hike 3K Walk. Proceeds benefit LUM Food Programs, Food Finders Food Bank Inc., and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haiti Ministry. Mark your calendars and get your team together.
Port of Hope (November 7) – Port of Hope is an evening fundraising event in support of the LUM Immigration Clinic. The event includes heavy appetizers from local restaurants, a silent auction featuring items from around the world and entertainment by musicians from around the world.
Community Thanksgiving Celebration (November 28) – The LUM Community Thanksgiving Celebration is on Thanksgiving Day from noon to 2 p.m. at Central Presbyterian Church (Lafayette). More than 800 people will be served dinner and dessert, and you may be a part of this special program by volunteering or making a donation.
Turkey Trot 5K Run (November 28) – Start off your Thanksgiving day with the Turkey Trot 5K Run at 8 a.m. on the Cattail Trail Loop, Celery Bog Nature Area, West Lafayette. Runners, walkers, dogs, strollers, wagons & turkey hats are welcome. All Turkey Trot proceeds benefit local families through the programs and services at LUM.
Jubilee Christmas (December 14) – LUM Jubilee Christmas serves over 600 families and 1800 children. Parents visit one of dozens of churches and shop for their children. In addition to the toys and clothes, each family also receives a ham and homemade cookies to make Christmas dinner special too.
Other Important LUM Program Dates
- NOW – April 10: Spanish Conversation Tables
- May 21: After School Program—Last Day
- May 28: 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program—First Day
- August 2: 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program—Last Day
- August 6: After School Program—First Day
- November 15: Winter Warming Station opens
Please Mark Your Calendars!