Electric Plus Donates $10,000 including Gift Cards
Generous Gifts to LUM This Holiday Season
The management at Electric Plus, headquartered in Indianapolis, decided to help agencies in the cities of their various offices, including the one in Lafayette. They also wanted to support local business. The employees donated $5,000 and Electric Plus matched that for a total of $10,000. Vince Aynes & Pat McCarthy recently presented LUM with a check for $5,700 plus $4,300 worth of gift cards from more than 15 local businesses. The LUM staff members have begun distributing the gift certificates to the families enrolled in the After School Program and guests in the Emergency Shelter and Winter Warming Station. LUM is grateful to the management and employees at Electric Plus, especially those in the Lafayette office, for selecting LUM as the recipient of this wonderful gift. It is such a blessing especially this time of year. {Pictured L to R: Vince Aynes; Nina Morgan, LUM Protein Food Pantry director, and Pat McCarthy.}