Before the Ball Drops – Invest in LUM
Last Chance – Tax Deductible Gift for 2019
As New Year’s Day approaches, we ask that you remember Lafayette Urban Ministry in your end of the year plans.
While preparing for joyous celebrations with your friends and family, it’s important to stop and reflect on the joy and blessings in your own life while also being aware that not everyone in your community is so fortunate.
As you gathering with loved ones, exchanging gifts and enjoying a meal, please consider setting aside part of your budget to support the work of Lafayette Urban Ministry with a tax-deductible charitable donation.
Explore our website to see how you can make your donation to LUM more meaningful to you.
The donation process has been simplified allowing supporters to donate online, by phone, in person or by mail.
Donate Online by clicking the button below -or- Call us at 765-423-2691. Mail or Drop off your donation to the LUM Office, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47901.
During the past year, the Lafayette Urban Ministry served 4,723 families through one or another of our 22 programs.
- 221 at-risk youth learned and grew because of LUM’s 5th Quarter, LUM Camp and enhanced After School Programs
- LUM’s Overnight Shelter continues to compassionately serve the chronically homeless in our community. LUM’s shelter and overnight winter warming station will serve more than 930 homeless individuals during 2019.
- LUM’s Tax Preparation Program served 399 low-income workers, returning to them more than $906,000 in tax credits and refunds
- LUM’s Good Samaritan Program serves up to twelve families each day – families that are in the throes of eviction, utility disconnects, health care or transportation emergencies. LUM has aided more than 1,136 such families so far this year.
- More than, 1,291 individuals received emergency food from our LUM Protein Food Pantry.
- The Community Thanksgiving Celebration Celebration served 900 meals
- LUM’s ID Clinic served more than 200 clients
- Our Legal Immigration Program served 122 individuals
- And of course Jubilee Christmas –1,828 children!