LUM Program Center – Re-Dedicated – 20th Anniversary
Last night at the monthly LUM Board of Directors meeting, the LUM Program Center & Emergency Shelter building was re-dedicated on the 20th anniversary of the opening of the building.
During the re-dedication, they reflected on a number of milestones within the past 20 years including the following:
- Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, William L. Higi, offered remarks and gave a blessing at the ribbon cutting ceremony on November 30, 1995
- Mortgage Burning—in 1998, there was a ceremony to “burn the mortgage” celebrating the final payment
- The LUM After School Program started in 1999 at the center; The LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program started in 2011 at the center
- Additions & expansions—in 2009, Playground added, Youth Center moved to 1st floor
- Renaming—in 2011, the Program Center was renamed the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center in honor of local Olympic champion
Twenty years have passed so quickly — but upon reflection, LUM has made significant progress during this time—and much of it is due to the opening of this building in 1995. If you wish to invest in the next 20 years of LUM programs in the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center & Emergency Shelter, please make your end of the year donation by clicking HERE.