
Community Foundation Grant Celebration

Earlier this year, The Commun20151215_175505 (2) (852x1280)ity Foundation of Greater Lafayette awarded a $6,700 grant to the LUM After School Program for new computers for use in teaching math and English to our students throughout the school year as well as during the summer months. The grant was used to purchase 30 new Chromebooks and a charging cabinet that have been well used in the LUM youth education programs since.

LUM is grateful to have such a generous & effective foundation in our community — and for their continued support of LUM. If you would like to invest in the LUM youth education programs, click HERE.

{Pictured at a grant ceremony this week at the Lafayette Country Club are from L to R: Joe Micon, LUM executive director; Marianne Rose, CFGL president & CEO; and Leslie Fernung, CFGL Grants & Scholarship Coordinator.}



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