Turkey Trot 5K Run
The LUM Turkey Trot 5K Run is open to runners of all ages and abilities and welcomes runners, walkers, dogs, strollers, wagons, turkey hats and more. The Turkey Trot 5K convenes at the
Turkey Trot 5K – Waiver & Release
| Home | Registration | Payment Options | Event Sponsors | Volunteer | Donate | Turkey Trot 5K Run Thursday, November 26, 2020 Lafayette, Indiana As a participant in the Turkey
Turkey Trot 5K – Payment Options
| Home | Registration | Payment Options | Event Sponsors | Volunteer | Donate | Choose Registration Option: ADULT Registration(s) $35.00 USDYOUTH Registration(s) $10.00 USD
HH5K Run 2015 — Race to Feed the Hungry
This year Hunger Hike 2015 offers an opportunity for runners to also be a part of the fight against hunger — the HH5K Run — on Saturday, September 19th, one day
Turkey Trot 5K Run – Registration
| Home | Registration | Payment Options | Event Sponsors | Volunteer | Donate | LUM Turkey Trot 5K Run – REGISTRATION For more details on the Turkey Trot 5K
Hunger Hike
Go to the official Hunger Hike website for more detailed information – HERE Hunger Hike is an annual community fundraising event whose mission is to raise the awareness of and
Hunger Hike 2015
Mark your calendars for Hunger Hike 2015 – Hike to Feed the Hungry Hunger Hike is an annual community fundraising event whose mission is to raise the awareness of and make a difference
Introducing the Hunger Hike Co-chairs
Introducing the Hunger Hike 2014 Co-Chairs — Coach Sharon Versyp & Coach David Kucik. Sharon Versyp is the head women’s basketball coach at Purdue University; and Dave Kucik is
Be a Hunger Hike HERO
This year everyone is encouraged to be a Hunger Hike HERO. To be a Hunger Hike Hero, individuals must do the following: Participate in the traditional Hunger Hike on Sunday,
Hunger Hike 5K Run 2014
Come join us for the Hunger Hike 5K Run Race to Feed the Hungry Be a part of the annual Hunger Hike 5K Run and Race to Feed the Hungry.