LUM – A Game Changer for Many
March 2015 Dear Friends, Anne Pellegrino recently stopped by my office, smiling ear to ear! Anne is a LUM volunteer tax preparer and she had just finished a tax return
Ivy Tech Professional Internships at LUM
Samantha Hardebeck is the new LUM After School Program Intern with responsibilities for assisting the program director with the implementation of the program. Samantha is from Frankfort, Indiana. She is
Join the LUM Conversational Spanish Tables
Dates: Wednesdays from February 11 – April 22, 2015 Time: 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Place: LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center, 525 N 4th Street, Lafayette Cost: FREE Sponsors: LUM & Ayuda Y
A Promise as Enduring as America
By Joe Micon, LUM executive director Have you heard the one about the busload filled with homeless families from Chicago that pulled up in front of LUM because our social
Grand Opening – LUM Immigration Clinic
Lafayette, IN – Lafayette Urban Ministry will be holding a Grand Opening of its new Immigration Clinic on Tuesday from 2-3 p.m. at the LUM office. LUM Immigration Clinic Grand