
Hello Summer!

Summer break is a liberating and exhilarating time of year. But for some children summer also means lack of food, lack of stimulation, and lack of wonder. Through the summer youth programs, LUM provides what is “lacking.”

LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is now welcoming students (grades pre-K to 8th) Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The program includes math challenges, regular reading, fun, experiential science labs, and meals & snacks. When the LUM students return to school in the Fall, they will be better prepared academically.

LUM Camp is a weeklong overnight camp (July 27 – 30) for boys and girls, ages 8, 9, and 10, from families served by LUM. More than 80 children will board the bus and head to Hanging Rock Camp. The week of camp includes hikes, arts & crafts, boating, swimming, wall-climbing, zip-lining, hearty meals, and caring staff & counselors.

Invest in local children with a donation to the LUM Youth Programs. Send a child to LUM Camp for $300, or make a donation to 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, which will provide a study or recreational trip or an art or science class. Volunteers are also needed each weekday at 5th Quarter and at LUM Camp the last week in July. To learn more, go to LUMserve.org/youth-programs.

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