Happy New Year from your Friends at LUM
Tackling Basic Human Needs
Uplifting the People of Greater Lafayette
Let’s take a moment this New Year’s Eve to say “Cheers” to YOU…
- If you prepared and served a meal for those experiencing homelessness at the LUM Emergency Shelter;
- If you contributed to the LUM Good Samaritan Fund, helping 1,466 families to avert utility disconnect or eviction from their homes through the LUM Financial Assistance Program;
- If you volunteered with the LUM Immigration Clinic;
- If you participated in one of the LUM 50th Anniversary celebrations;
- If you served as a LUM tax preparer and helped return millions of dollars in refunds and credits to low-income households in our community;
- If you volunteered as a LUM Camp counselor, After School Program tutor or in one of LUM’s other excellent youth programs that are successfully narrowing the academic achievement gap;
- If you fought hunger in our community by volunteering to feed 9,921 individuals in 2022 through the two LUM Food Pantries;
- If you participated in Hunger Hike, worked the food line at the LUM Community Thanksgiving Feast, ran in the Turkey Trot 5K Run, or contributed a toy to one of 1,880 LUM Jubilee Christmas children.
What YOU do for LUM is so important for enabling us to accomplish our mission — and “bring cheer to others,” give hope to families, encourage and educate children, and be a positive force in our community. In 2022, with the heroic efforts of the LUM volunteers and the close-to-miraculous results of our fundraising activities — LUM has impacted a record number of children and families in our community.
The LUM board of directors and LUM staff members THANK YOU for choosing LUM as your partners this year — and look forward to making 2023 an even better year — for the children and families served by LUM. Cheers to 2023! And Happy New Year to you and your family.
The Unselfish Effort To Bring Cheer To Others
Helen Keller
Will Be The Beginning Of A Happier Life For Ourselves.