Meet Allie – the new LUM “Seasonal” Staff Member
Allie Parker — Community Thanksgiving & Jubilee Christmas, program director

Allie Parker grew up in West Lafayette and now lives in Lafayette. She graduated from West Lafayette High School and earned a BA in Anthropology and a BS in Arts Administration from Butler University, Indianapolis.
At LUM, Allie will direct both the Community Thanksgiving Feast and Jubilee Christmas. She volunteered with both programs in the past with her family and through her church, Central Presbyterian, Lafayette. In addition to LUM, Allies has volunteered with the Starfish Initiative as a mentor for academically promising youth and as a member of the Presbyterian Youth Triennium Administration Planning Team.
Allie is inspired by the Bible passage,
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
It is this verse that drew her to this position and will give her the most pride in her work with LUM. Allie shared that she is most excited about uplifting individuals, families and children through the Community Thanksgiving Feast and Jubilee Christmas, while giving others the opportunity to assist their neighbors, engage in their community and make a positive difference. LUM is fortunate to have someone with Allie’s passion and experience leading these two important programs.
Donations and volunteers are needed for the Community Thanksgiving Feast and Jubilee Christmas. Sign up today — and share with others.