A Christmas Gift from Westminster Village
Village Soup Day & Village Chat Benefit LUM

This year, LUM was the selected as the lucky recipient of the annual Christmas Gift from Westminster Village. Westminster Village recently hosted a drive-through “Village Soup Day,” where the community was invited to purchase their famous chili, baked potato soup, bread and cookies. All of the proceeds were designated to benefit LUM plus each participant donated items for the LUM Protein Food Pantry. It was a successful event! More than 100 carloads of hungry people purchased 270 meals and donated a truckload of food for the food pantry (pictured above).
The Westminster Village team has also invited Wes Tillett, LUM executive director, to participate in the virtual “Village Chat,” where he will share the good work of LUM and also accept the Christmas Gift donation from LUM legend & Westminster Village resident, the Rev. Don Nead. Lastly, several of the members of the Westminster Village staff will be volunteering with LUM Jubilee Christmas this year.
LUM is thankful to the residents & staff of Westminster Village for their support this year through the annual Christmas Gift. Stay tuned for more news in December from the Village Chat program and check presentation. To view more photos, click HERE.