LUM’s Impact – So Far This Year – 2018
From Joe Micon, LUM Executive Director
It’s hard to believe that it’s October already!
Just two months ago, the LUM staff was deeply engaged in summer programs — and now in a blink of an eye it’s time to get ready for Jubilee Christmas, Port of Hope,the Community Thanksgiving Celebration and the Turkey Trot 5K Run!
You’d be impressed with the impact that LUM has had on the families, children and individuals in our community. So far this year, 3,945 different low-income households have been served by LUM. Lafayette Urban Ministry has nurtured and educated children, sheltered families, fed the hungry, helped the homeless become self-sufficient, supported the legal immigrant, and given HOPE &HELP to the faceless and voiceless.
All of this is due to the faithful work carried on every day and night by LUM.
Here is a better snapshot of LUM’s impact (through September 30, 2018):
- 1,347 – Good Samaritan Program visits for housing, utility and health-care requests
- $81,146 – Amount of Good Samaritan Fund assistance disbursed
- 5,250 Visits to the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry
- 73 Immigration Clinic cases
- 169 ID Clinic cases
- 8,676 Overnight stays at the Emergency Shelter
- 485 Overnight stays at the Winter Warming Station
- 704 – Number of homeless individuals served
- 27 Homeless individuals provided housing through the LUM New Opportunity Fund
- 496 Households provided free Tax Assistance
- 216 Children served at LUM Camp(85), After School Program (81), and 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program (50)
- Jubilee Christmas: {TBD} Families and {TBD} children served (In 2017: 704 families & 1,941 children were served)
- Community Thanksgiving Celebration: {TBD} meals served (In 2017: 900 meals were served)
Thanks to your special friendship and generous support, LUM continues to make our community a better place for all of its citizens. Please remember LUM through the final three months of 2018 by participating in one of our upcoming events, volunteering, and by giving a generous financial gift!
God bless you for all you do that allows LUM to make a difference with the families in our community.