LUM Income Tax Assistance in Full Swing
Impressive Stats So Far In just six weeks, the LUM Tax Assistance Program has had a tremendous positive impact on our community. Some interesting statistics so far are as follows: Total Income Tax Returns
Ben Murphy Returns to Seasonal Position
LUM Tax Assistance Director Starts Second Year The director of the LUM Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program is a seasonal, part-time position. Ben Murphy returned to the role for his second year.
Tax Assistance Program Offers Free Service
LUM Needs Volunteer Income Tax Assistants Make a difference in your community by becoming a LUM tax volunteer. Volunteers are needed from January 29 through April 12 for the LUM Tax Assistance
Meet Russell — LUM Volunteer Tax Preparer
The Tax Season has just concluded at LUM, which means we once again say farewell to several familiar faces who since January have offered assistance to individuals in our community to complete
Meet the New LUM Tax Assistance Director
Ben Murphy — Tax Assistance, program director Ben will oversee the LUM Tax Assistance Program. He is originally from Lawrenceburg, Kentucky and now lives in West Lafayette with his wife,
Meet Andrea — LUM Volunteer Tax Preparer
Volunteers are an integral part of the LUM Income Tax Assistance Program — and this year, 15 LUM volunteers studied and received IRS certification to prepare tax returns. It’s a big
Meet a LUM Tax Assistance Volunteer
Volunteers are an integral part of the LUM Income Tax Assistance Program — and we’d like you to meet one of our superstars — Ann Pellegrino. Originally from Easton, Pennsylvania,
LUM Tax Assistance Program is Busy — Impressive Stats So Far
In just five weeks, the LUM Tax Assistance Program has had a tremendous positive impact on our community. Some interesting statistics so far are as follows: Total Income Tax Returns Filed –
Ivy Tech Professional Internships at LUM
Samantha Hardebeck is the new LUM After School Program Intern with responsibilities for assisting the program director with the implementation of the program. Samantha is from Frankfort, Indiana. She is
Client Corner – LUM Good Samaritan Program – Meet Gregory Gillard
Meet Gregory Gillard from Lafayette. He is a client of LUM Case Management, a former guest of the LUM Emergency Shelter and a recipient of the LUM Good Samaritan Fund.