LUM Partners with Purdue Religious Leaders
LUM Hosts Lunch Meeting to Discuss Volunteering
Last week, LUM hosted the routine gathering of the University Religious Leaders at Purdue. URL comprises religious leaders dedicated to serving Purdue students in West Lafayette. Following a casual lunch at the LUM Ray Ewry Center, Wes Tillett, LUM executive director, welcomed the leaders; and Pablo Malavenda, LUM executive program director, provided an overview of volunteer opportunities within Lafayette Urban Ministry (pictured).
He shared the LUM Summer of Service initiative and emphasized the importance of involvement during the summer months for both students and community members affiliated with their respective churches and temples. Pablo spotlighted volunteer avenues with LUM Camp, Protein Food Pantry (soon open on Mondays), Emergency Shelter, and 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program. The strong partnership between LUM and the University Religious Leaders at Purdue was reaffirmed during this gathering, underscoring the value of collaboration.
If you or your group wishes to volunteer during the LUM Summer of Service, go to our website to explore and sign up online—click HERE. There is something for everyone.