IBEW Delivers Turkeys to LUM Food Pantry
20 Turkeys Distributed to Local Families
Thanks to the members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 668 for their donation of 20 turkeys to the LUM Protein Food Pantry & Westside Food Pantry. These turkeys were distributed to local families on Black Friday (11/26).
LUM is grateful to IBEW 668 for their continued support of the LUM mission. If you, your company, or group would like to support the LUM Food Pantries, go to LUMserve.org/food-pantry or email or call (foodpantry@LUMserve.org | 765-423-2691).
Consider a Donation to LUM This Holiday Season
This year, considering replacing your Office Holiday Party “gift exchange” with a collection of “needed items” for LUM.
Whether it’s after school snacks for our students or cleaning supplies for the Emergency Shelter or toys & books for Jubilee Christmas or paper products for the Protein Food Pantry — each donation is helpful and appreciated. Make your holiday celebrations, at work and at home, more meaningful for your family, your guests and your colleagues by allowing them to give to local families in need.
To view the entire LUM Wishlist of needed items, click HERE.
LUM Jubilee Christmas is Saturday, December 11, and the Donation Center is open NOW through Tuesday, December 7 from 1-5 p.m. For a list of needed items, and the locations and open hours of the Donation Centers, click HERE.