LUM Youth Center has a New Look
New Cubbies, Shelves & Surf Lap-Desks
The students enrolled in the LUM After School Program arrived this week to a “new look” to the youth center. Thanks to a grant from the McAllister Foundation, LUM was able to replace cubbies (pictured, top), shelves, and chairs, giving their learning space a brighter, more contemporary look. On a practical level, the new purchases give the LUM teachers more space for learning and social distancing as well as chairs that are much easier to disinfect and store.
The students were most excited about the “Surf portable lap-desks.” These desks make it fun and easy to sit on the floor with a laptop while maintaining good posture and less eye strain (pictured, bottom). Now that the weather is improving the students are also enjoying the new spiral tube slide in the LUM outdoor recreation space. This week is spring break and LUM is offering full-day childcare. LUM has also extended the After School Program to June 2, the last day of school in Lafayette. The summer childcare program, LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, will start on Monday, June 7 and is accepting applications now.
LUM is excited to improve the experience for our students through these latest updates. Please consider investing in our students with a gift to the LUM Youth Program or signing up to volunteer with our children.
Donate to the LUM After School Program. Make an investment in the children.
Volunteer with the LUM After School Program, Learn MORE.
- APPLICATION — Volunteer Teacher Aide Application Form for the After School Program
- Volunteers are needed as Activity Bus Drivers – Learn MORE.
- Volunteer Teacher Aides are needed who can help afternoon K-5th graders with their homework and reading and supervise their recreation and playtime.
- Volunteer Guidelines
- Safe Children: LUM’s Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Policy
Donate snacks and supplies. View the Wishlist, HERE.
Sponsor a field trip or a special event.
Call or E-mail Kristi Hogue (765.423.2691 |