LUM After School Program Start Delayed

Summer Childcare Extended Through August 19
Lafayette Urban Ministry is committed to offering quality and affordable childcare during the summer and after school, when school is in session. Since our schedule is dependent on the local school corporations, the LUM Youth Programs director, Kristi Hogue, has been monitoring discussion and decision about local school opening dates. At this point, LUM has decided to continue offering all-day childcare until school begins (August 19), and starting after school childcare thereafter. Adaptability & change have been the only constant this summer, but it is worth the extra effort if LUM is able to support families & children during this crisis. If you wish to invest in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program and After School Program, an online donation would be appreciated. Volunteers are also needed each day; and donations of needed items are also welcome. If you need more information, click HERE or email Kristi Hogue (
Donate to the LUM After School Program. Make an investment in the children.
Volunteer with the LUM After School Program, Learn MORE.
- APPLICATION — Volunteer Teacher Aide Application Form for the After School Program
- Volunteers are needed as Activity Bus Drivers – Learn MORE.
- Volunteer Teacher Aides are needed who can help afternoon K-5th graders with their homework and reading and supervise their recreation and playtime.
- Volunteer Guidelines
- Safe Children: LUM’s Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Policy
Donate snacks and supplies. View the Wishlist, HERE.
Sponsor a field trip or a special event.
Call or E-mail Kristi Hogue (765.423.2691 |