Get Engaged with LUM & Invest in LUM
Support Local Children & Strengthen Families

DONATE — Lafayette Urban Ministry receives most of its financial support from individual gifts, member church contributions, and donations from church & civic groups and businesses. There are many different ways & options for giving to LUM, including an unrestricted donation, a designated gift to a specific program, a pledge with payments over the course of the year, pre-authorized automatic monthly donations, estate planning, establishing or giving to an existing endowment, and a memorial/special event gift. You may give securely online, by mail or in person — with cash, check, credit card, debit card, electronic check or through an authorized direct withdrawal. You may also help LUM by attending any (or all) of the LUM fundraising events such as Hunger Hike (food programs), Port of Hope (Immigration Clinic), and the Turkey Trot 5K Run (LUM programs). To learn more, go to the LUM website, call us, email us or stop by the LUM Office ( | 765-423-2691 | | 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN).

VOLUNTEER — There are many different opportunities for volunteering, from working one-on-one with a child in the After School Program to helping run the 44-bed Emergency Shelter for the homeless. Also, there are opportunities to fit every schedule, from regular long-term commitments such as being a regular advocate with the Immigration Clinic, Good Samaritan Program or ID Clinic — or doing data entry at the LUM Food Pantry or intake for our shelter guests each weekday afternoon — to one time work with an events like Hunger Hike, Port of Hope, the Greater Lafayette Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Celebration, the Turkey Trot 5K Run, Jubilee Christmas, and LUM Camp. Some volunteer positions require training while others require only a willing heart and a helping hand. To learn more, go to the LUM website, call us, email us or stop by the LUM Office ( | 765-423-2691 | | 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN).