Thank You for Being a Friend in 2017
Let’s take a moment this New Year’s Eve to reflect and say Thank You to all who contributed to the successes at LUM in 2017.
Thank You…
- For your generous financial support of LUM’s programs
Thank You…
- If you prepared a meal for the homeless and delivered it to the LUM Emergency Shelter
- If you contributed to the LUM Good Samaritan Fund, helping 2,200 families to avert utility disconnect or eviction from their homes;
- If you served on our Board of Directors;
- If you served as a LUM tax preparer and helped return millions of dollars in refunds and credits to low-income households in our community
- If you volunteered as a LUM Camp counselor, After School Program tutor or in one of LUM’s other youth programs that are successfully narrowing the academic achievement gap
- If you fought hunger in our community by volunteering to feed 2,900 individuals through St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry — or by participating in Hunger Hike
- If you attended the Port of Hope event or volunteered with the LUM Immigration Clinic
- If you ran in the Turkey Trot 5K Run, worked at the Community Thanksgiving Celebration, or participated in Jubilee Christmas or contributed to one of 1,945 children impacted
Thank you for being a friend in 2017. LUM has impacted a significant number of children and families in our community this year because of YOU. What YOU do for LUM is so important for enabling us to accomplish our mission — and gives hope to families, encourages and educates children, and is a positive force in our community.
Thank you for choosing us as your partner this year.
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down a road and back again
Your heart is true, you’re a pal & a confidant
I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up & take a bow
And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
Well, you would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend