
Eight member Supreme Court Ties, Halts Immigration Plan

U.S. v Texas blocked the DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) and Expanded DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) programs.

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The Supreme Court announced in a tie vote Thursday, JunImmigration Clinic Logo ICe 23, 2016,  that lower courts’ ruling in  U.S. v. Texas would continue at least temporarily, preventing the President’s executive orders that would have granted temporary protection and permission to work for parents of American and Lawful Permanent Residents as well as expanding the original Deferred Action for Childhood (DREAMERS) Program.  Indiana was one of 26 states that signed the lawsuit challenging the President’s executive order.

These programs would have provided temporary protection from deportation and work permits for persons who qualified. DAPA and DACA II will not be implemented unless the Supreme Court reconsiders the decisions when the ninth seat on the bench is filled or if Congress passes a law authorizing the programs. In order to protect themselves, it is important that persons who may have qualified for relief under President Obama’s executive orders not give money to anyone who offers to file applications for DAPA and DACA.  Furthermore, it is critical that persons needing immigration assistance should only accept legal advice from trusted immigration lawyers and services or BIA accredited representatives. The LUM immigration clinic is staffed by an accredited representative and is assisted by volunteer attorneys. Please be aware this action does not change the original June 2012 DACA program (which is still available) or the Obama administration’s policies about deportation. For more information regarding the DAPA/DACA go to:  cliniclegal.org/USvTexas/pressrelease

If you have questions about the Supreme Court’s ruling or would like to learn more about other options for relief, please call the LUM Immigration Clinic by phone at 765-423-2691 or find us online HERE.  

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