LUM 5th Quarter Program Celebrated Learning Improvements
The Lafayette Urban Ministry 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program hosted a student reunion to celebrate the success of those enrolled in last summer’s program.
LUM executive director, Joe Micon, hosted the party for the elementary aged students. Micon brought all of the students forward to recognize them for their hard work in 5th Quarter. Last summer’s students showed an especially strong increase in their achievement scores — with an average gain of 41% in math computations with whole numbers and decimals, and 12.9% in vocabulary and concept development.
The 2015 LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program was in session from June 1 – August 10 with an enrollment of 47 students in first through fifth grade. The program is designed to help low-income students slow and reverse the slide in learning that occurs during the summer months when school is in recess.
During the 5th Quarter Celebration Micon recognized Leslie Fernung from The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette (pictured left). Before last summer’s program, LUM received a $6,522 grant from The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette to purchase 30 new Chromebooks and use new educational software (ALEKS Math Program).
Micon credits this grant and the implementation of the ALEKS Math Program for the achievement gains by the students. Fernung was thrilled to see what an immediate impact their grant has had on these students. Also on hand for the 5th Quarter Celebration was Ryan Lanning (Hammond, Indiana), last summer’s math teacher, who is currently finishing up his elementary education degree at Purdue (pictured below).
After the program, Micon shared that “to succeed in school and life, children need ongoing opportunities to learn and practice essential skills. This is especially true during the summer months. For many children, summer is a carefree, happy time when they experience family vacations, trips to museums, parks and libraries. But for others, when school doors close for the summer, educational opportunities cease — along with basic needs such as healthy meals and adequate adult supervision. These are the children being reached through 5th Quarter.”
“Simply put,” says the 5th Quarter program director Rev. Cindy Haley, “our goal is for our children to be stronger students in reading and math when they return to school in August.” Haley added, “We’re not here to measure individual children as much as we are trying to learn some basic metrics by which to measure our program’s success. We are very pleased because testing results are showing us that we are on the right track.” These results are in comparison to a control group of low-income students who did not participate in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program.
And the children agree.
Icadora Frazee, age 9, (pictured right, on left) was excited to see Mr. Ryan (Lanning) again at the 5th Quarter Celebration.
Icadora, Oakland Elementary 4th grader, looked forward to learning math with Mr. Ryan. Using the Chromebooks made math fun.
Icadora shared that there are so many fun math games on the Chromebooks like “Cool Math” and her favorite — a game where a group of otters race each other. Icadora loves math — and can’t wait to be a part of the LUM 5th Quarter program again this summer.
Enrollment information for the 2016 LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, which begins on Monday, May 23, 2016, will be available online by March 1st.
PHOTOS – More photos from the 5th Quarter Celebration may be found HERE.
Joe Micon
Executive Director
Lafayette Urban Ministry
Cindy Haley
Program Director — 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program
Lafayette Urban Ministry
Leslie Fernung
Grant & Scholarship Coordinator
The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette