Meet the New LUM Staff
Marilyn Zerbes —LUM Emergency Shelter, acting program director
Originally from a small town in Virginia called Bremo Bluff, Marilyn lives in Lafayette with her husband, Mark. Marilyn graduated from Purdue University (West Lafayette) and is a parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas Center (West Lafayette). Marilyn and Mark have three children, all of whom are married with children of their own. Marilyn and Mark have five granddaughters and two grandsons. She loves spending time with her family and friends.
Marilyn has many years of not for profit accounting experience including as the LUM Business Manager in 2013. She loves gardening and more recently camping in a tiny vintage camper – but is a homebody at heart who enjoys being with her family.
Marilou Warden —LUM Achieve! Stay-in-School Program, new program director
Marilou has lived in Lafayette for most of her life. She has been married for 42 years to Mike Warden, who she met in chemistry class their last semester in high school. A graduate of Purdue University (West Lafayette), she was a teacher in the Lafayette School Corporation for 28 years before retiring. Since retirement, Marilou has been active with the LUM Achieve! Stay-in-School Program and the LUM After School Program.
Marilou and Mike, who is retired from Purdue, are members of Crestview Community Church (Lafayette) and have two sons, Nolan and Elliot. Nolan and his wife, Hilda, have two children – Lucia (4) and Elias (16 months). Nolan is preparing to defend his dissertation in ethnomusicology at UCLA. Elliot graduated from Purdue (art education/photography) and now lives in New York City. In addition to her work with LUM, Marilou enjoys spending time with her family especially her grandchildren.