Countdown to the Holidays at LUM
The Lafayette Urban Ministry Community Thanksgiving Celebration & Jubilee Christmas programs have been an important part of our community’s holiday tradition for more than 30 years. As the beautiful autumn weather emerges and our thoughts turn to sharing the holidays with our family & friends, we also remember those for whom the past year has been difficult. As Lafayette Urban Ministry gears up to offer assistance to these families and their children during the holidays, we pray you will help us make this holiday season one of their warmest.
It will cost $9,000 to serve the 800 guests who will attend our Community Thanksgiving Celebration—and it will cost an additional $55,000 to serve the 800 families & 1,900 children through Jubilee Christmas. Please share as generously as you can so that these important community holiday traditions may continue. Place your check in the mail (LUM, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette) or give online at