5th Quarter Has Begun!
The LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program sessions began this month. The 5th Quarter program runs Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and includes active learning, crafts
Centier Bank Kicks Off “Save the Dough”
Yesterday, Centier Bank kicked off their Summer of Savings and “Save the Dough” program with a celebration on Columbia Street at their branch near the Courthouse. As one of the
“Save the Dough” Benefits Kids & LUM
The Centier Bank “Save the Dough” Ball jars have arrived and are ready for distribution to your children & grandchildren. Joseph Howarth, Centier Bank—Lafayette Market President, (pictured below on right)
Summer School Volunteers Needed
Volunteer Teachers Aides for the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program are needed. The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is offered Monday – Friday from June 1 to August 7
LUM Students Benefit from $6,522 Community Grant
Lafayette Urban Ministry is to thrilled report that the Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette has awarded LUM a Tier 3 Discretionary Grant for $6,522. LUM has used this grant money
TONIGHT – Ray Ewry Presentation Scheduled
Join us for… Strong Hand Forever: Ray Ewry & the 1908 Olympics with Cindy Eberts — Retired Purdue Professor Date: TONIGHT – Wednesday, February 18th Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: LUM Ray Ewry
Summer Program Enhances Education
Summer 2014 Dear Friend, Although it has been 17 years, I remember our family’s summer vacation to Yellowstone National Park as if it were yesterday! The geysers, the waterfalls, the
Our Students Need Snacks!
Snacks & Supplies Needed — for 5th Quarter The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program needs to fill the cupboard with Snacks for the new Summer session students. 5th Quarter needs the following
Mission Moment — Meet the Poore Family
March 2014 Dear Friend, The Lafayette Urban Ministry has been a special friend to Lisa Poore. After the accidental death of her husband… During the difficult process of grief and
Support Fifth-Quarter — A Proven Success
Summer 2013 Dear Friend, When he grows up, seven year-old Christian Morrenga wants to be a firefighter. Eight-year-old Devine Myers wants to be a nurse. And nine year-old Dylan Tibbett