LUM Outreach – Promoting Opportunities
Engaging the Community, Enlisting Advocates
Engagement in community outreach plays a crucial role in fulfilling the mission of Lafayette Urban Ministry. The dedicated LUM staff search for chances to advocate for LUM services, enlist volunteers, and engage in dialog about poverty, hunger, and homelessness. LUM program directors are enthusiastic about shedding light on LUM services, possess in-depth knowledge about social and economic issues, and are eager to contribute to raising awareness within the local community about the pressing challenges faced by low-income families. Lately, LUM has been actively participating in a variety of community events, religious services, and group meetings. Several are listed below.

- Back to School Bash
- Boiler Gold Rush
- Convoy of Hope
- Global Fest

- Greater Lafayette Indiana Black Expo Backpack Giveaway
- Hunger Hike

- Riggs Community Health Fair
- Tools for School
- Latino Festival
LUM staff members are available to speak or set up an information table for churches, civic organization, agencies, community events, and educational groups. To make arrangements for a presentation or event, call or email LUM (765-423-2691 |