Delta Tau Delta Supports LUM Yearlong
Engaging with the Food Pantry & Youth Program

The members of the Gamma Lambda Chapter of Delta Tau Delta International Fraternity at Purdue recently brought Santa Claus visited the youth center and handed out candy canes. Each week their members also volunteer at the LUM Protein Food Pantry and with the After School Program. They bring the holiday to the LUM students. During Easter, they delivered Easter baskets for each child; and on Halloween they handed out candy.
Nina Morgan & Kristi Hogue, the LUM Protein Food Pantry director and with the After School Program director, respectively, are grateful for having such hard-working, matrue, and reliable volunteers. Join us in thanking the men of Delta Tau Delta at Purdue for their outstanding commitment to LUM and the community.
If you or your organization wishes to volunteer with or donate to LUM, click the appropriate button below.