The “Grit” of LUM Homeless Services
A Letter from Wes Tillett, LUM Executive Director
“The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart,
who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” – Jesus Christ (Luke 8:15)
GRIT. It has become one of my favorite words in these pandemic years. Grit is all about resilience, perseverance, hanging in there come-what-may. Grit is essential for living life to the fullest.
GRIT also inspires others. It is a common theme in my wife’s favorite movies, the ones “based on the inspiring true story of a person who overcomes impossible odds.” Grit is a common theme in all of my favorite stories at LUM – the real-life stories of the people who are diligently pushing their lives in a positive direction, often by overcoming impossible odds.
LUM would not be able to provide these services without the financial support of people such as you. Thank you.
The LUM Emergency Shelter has been near capacity all summer long. With winter just around the corner and many people struggling financially in our community, the LUM Emergency Shelter is as essential as ever.
Will you help us continue to serve those in our community who are experiencing homelessness? Your gift of $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 to the LUM Emergency Shelter will help LUM continue to provide help and hope to those experiencing homelessness.
It takes GRIT to live victoriously. And it takes grit to give generously. It’s a matter of seeing the need (“hear the word”), choosing to help meet that need (“retain it”), and taking action (“by persevering, produce a crop”).
Thank you in advance for the grace and grit you demonstrate by supporting the LUM Emergency Shelter.
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{To protect the privacy of this individual featured above, the name has been changed.}