Recap – LUM Community Thanksgiving Feast
800 Meals – 82 Turkeys – 112 Pies – 100 Volunteers
This was the 35th consecutive year that LUM has hosted the Community Thanksgiving Feast in downtown Lafayette, IN. It was an especially important event this year because food prices are high and many of our neighbors are struggling and need food. Even though it was mostly a “walk-through” event it still brought together the entire community and was a lively event. The meals included roasted & smoked turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, yams, cranberry sauce, stuffing (AKA dressing), bread, bottled water or milk, and a slice of pie. More than 800 meals were distributed — including 82 turkeys and 112 homemade pies. Community Thanksgiving Feast takes over two months of planning, engages more than 100 volunteers and requires approximately $10,000 in donations to make it happen. LUM is grateful to Central Presbyterian Church for use of their facilities, and to Lee Anna Atwell and West Lafayette High School students for providing live music. It was also special to have several local officials mingling with our guests, including Indiana State Representative Sheila Klinker, Mayor Tony Roswarski, Mayor John Dennis, and County Commissioner Tracy Brown. A special thanks also to all who donated food and gave financial support. It was a magical community event and a wonderful community Thanksgiving holiday celebration for all. Thanks to Allie Parker, who directed the event; and Ian Kennedy, who headed up the kitchen crew. Please consider a donation to the event.
On Black Friday, both of the LUM Food Pantries were open and well stocked with turkeys and many other food staples for families in need this holiday weekend.
To view the list of all of our Event Sponsors, including monetary donations and donations of needed supplies and food, click HERE.
To view more PHOTOS, click HERE.