Winter Warming Station Adapts to Artic Blast
No One Will Be Turned Away – Hours Extended

Lafayette Urban Ministry has a shelter protocol for severely cold and snowy weather. LUM provides bus transportation from the local day shelter to the LUM Emergency Shelter and the LUM Winter Warming Station on evenings with dangerous wind-chill temperatures.
Due to severe weather conditions this week including an “arctic blast,” buses have been available to transport guests from the local day shelter to the LUM Emergency Shelter and Winter Warming Station.
Additionally, the Winter Warming Station has been opening at 9 p.m. (three hours earlier) on these nights. Outside the LUM Office, there is also a “clothes line” with free gloves, hats, scarves, socks, and hand & toe warmers (courtesy of Central Catholic High School – see story HERE).
Special thanks to partners at the day shelter and LUM shelter security staff members and volunteers, especially the bus drivers. If you, your company, church or family would like to help those experiencing homelessness in our community, donations are welcome. LUM also needs meals, supplies and volunteers.