Port of Hope 2020 – Most Successful Ever
$96,548 Raised for the LUM Immigration Clinic

The fifth annual Port of Hope raised $96,582.62 for the LUM Immigration Clinic. Despite COVID-19, the Port of Hope fundraiser was the most successful one yet.
The Port of Hope team began re-imagining this important fundraiser months in advance and created a variety of exciting experiences. To create more excitement and get more advocates engaged, there were two additional events that led up to the main event — Who’s That Masked Donor? and the PoH Scavenger Hunt.
The main event was the Port of Hope Virtual Experience. Participants joined the event online and were treated to a performance by Clave Caribe, Zumba lesson with Carlitos Centellas, and a cooking demonstration by Aparna Puri interspersed with client and volunteer interviews highlighting the positive impact of the LUM Immigration Clinic in our community. It was an upbeat, exciting Virtual Experience that is now available to view online. At the end of this article are links to Port of Hope Virtual Experience as well as videos with Nohemi Lugo, Hispanic Advocate for the YWCA Domestic Violence Program, and Drs. Ketan and Tenuja Sheth, the donors behind the $30,000 matching grant. If you have been to any of the live Port of Hope events you will want to click on the Port of Hope Photo Montage as well.
A big part of the success of this year’s Port of Hope was due to the generosity of the Sheth Family. Drs. Ketan & Tanuja Sheth have offered a “$30,000 Match Donation.” As an immigrant and the child of immigrants themselves, Ketan and Tanuja understand the importance of quality immigration services being available to those most in need and are passionate about the impact the LUM Immigration Clinic has on our community.
Thanks also to the Port of HopeEvent Sponsors. These businesses and individuals generously gave to the LUM Immigration Clinic, so please show them your support.
Immigration Clinic Playlist (click to view):
All funds raised support the continued mission of the LUM Immigration Clinic. If you weren’t able to attend, your donation would still be greatly appreciated.