5th Quarter Summer Program Begins May 26
Child Care Focused on Learning, Health & Safety

Normally, each year at this time, the LUM Youth Programs director, Kristi Hogue, is beginning the transition from after-school to full-day child care. But this year, nothing is “normal.”
The LUM Youth Center has been empty since March, but 40 students will be returning on May 26 for the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program. In preparation, Kristi (pictured) has been planning for weeks — studying CDC & State guidelines, ordering supplies, developing new health & safety protocols and hiring and training teachers.
On average, students’ achievement scores decline over summer vacation by one month’s worth of school-year learning, referred to as an “academic achievement gap.” This year due to COVID-19, the “gap” is wider since schools have been closed since March. The LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is dedicated to closing the academic achievement gap for local students. When the school year begins in the Fall, these students who typically struggle academically will be better prepared than their peers because of the enriched and experiential learning offered by the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program.
If you wish to support the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program — you may make a monetary donation, sponsor a field/study trip or donate snacks & supplies.For more information on the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, click HERE or email Kristi at khogue@lumserve.org.
Four Ways YOU can help the LUM Summer Youth Program are as follows:
- Make a Monetary Donation, click HERE
- Sign up to Volunteer, click HERE
- Donate Needed Items, click HERE
- Sponsor a Study or Recreational Trip, email khogue@lumserve.org