Jubilee Christmas – Truckloads of Toys Donated
Overwhelming Support from the Community

The support from the community for Jubilee Christmas each year is overwhelming. There are too many to adequately thank here; so, here are just a few. Thanks to our biggest donors…
- Greyhouse Coffee & Supply Co.and Brokerage Brewing Co. for being Jubilee Christmas donation centers and donating lots of high quality, new toys.
- The staff members in Dauch Alumni Center at Purdue including the Purdue Alumni Association & the President’s Council (pictured) for donating five truck loads of new toys, bikes, clothes, sport equipment and more.
- The Parrot Heads Club of Lafayette for their donation of new toys.
- Anonymous individual donated over $7,000 worth of new winter coats, hats & gloves for our Jubilee Christmas children.

VERY SPECIAL THANKS to all of our Host-Sites who hosted all of our families, and whose members donated an incredible number of toys, clothes, cookies, blankets, hams, food cards and more. Jubilee Christmas could not possibly happen without their support over the past 39 years. They are as follows: Bethany Presbyterian Church, Central Presbyterian Church, Chapel of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Campus Ministry, Christ United Methodist Church, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Congress Street United Methodist Church, Elston Presbyterian Church, Faith Presbyterian Church, Federated Church, First Baptist Lafayette, First Christian Church, First United Methodist Church of West Lafayette, Grace United Methodist Church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Immanuel United Church of Christ, Lafayette Christian Reformed Church, Lafayette Church of the Brethren, Lafayette Friends Meeting, Memorial Presbyterian Church of Dayton, Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Riverside Covenant Church, St. Andrew United Methodist Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church, St. Lawrence Catholic Church, St. Mary Cathedral, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center at Purdue, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Trinity United Methodist Church, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County