Has HUNGER HIKE Reached Its Goal? NOT Yet!
The Need is Great – So, Fundraising Continues

So far, more than 92% of the Hunger Hike goal has been reached. Won’t you please make a donation allowing LUM, Food Finders & St. Thomas Aquinas to continue to offer important food & nutrition programs?
Here are 4 ways you can still help Hunger Hike reach the goal:
- Make a Donation NOW, click HERE
- Support a Hiker or Team, click HERE — then click the TEAM tab
- If you are fundraising and have a First Giving page or team — send out another appeal to your friends, click HERE
- Purchase Hunger Hike T-shirts – (1 for $10 | 2/$15 | 6/$30) – To get yours, email hungerhike@lumserve.org. While supplies last.
Special THANKS to every donor, fundraiser, church, team, and event sponsor for your support. Let’s work together to reach $100,000 this year. And thanks.
If you run and/or own a business — you also may become a Hunger Hike Event Sponsor. If interested, email hungerhike@lumserve.org for more information.