Summertime is for Fun, Family & Reflection
Planning for Summer – Planning for Your Future

Summer is in full swing, and many of us are spending more time outdoors and traveling with our family & friends. Summertime is often a time for reflection and planning.
At LUM, staff are looking toward the future — preparing for fall programs like Hunger Hike, Port of Hope, Interfaith Community Thanksgiving and Jubilee Christmas. You may also be spending the summer planning for your future and reflecting how you may assist those less fortunate. Perhaps you could create a personal legacy by continuing your support of the mission of Lafayette Urban Ministry beyond your own lifetime. During our lifetimes, we support our neighbors with our gifts to LUM, but by creating a legacy through Planned Giving your support of our ministry will continue for all perpetuity.
It’s a win-win Estate Planning strategy for you and LUM. In addition to the altruistic benefits, your charitable gift to Lafayette Urban Ministry brings tax relief — and also allows you to make a larger gift to LUM than you could make from your income alone. Whether you use cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, artwork, partnership interests, personal property, life insurance or a retirement plan, the benefits of Estate Planned Gifts can make this type of donation attractive to you as a well as LUM. Consider also remembering Lafayette Urban Ministry in your will.
First, meet with your professional advisor to learn how informed estate planning can increase the overall value of your estate with a gift of tax-burdened assets (like IRAs, 401(k), or savings bonds) to Lafayette Urban Ministry. When you are ready, please email or call Joe Micon, LUM executive director, who is eager to meet with you ( | 765-423-2691). To give to LUM online, click HERE.
Whatever you decide — enjoy your summer with your family and friends — and think for a moment about the mission of Lafayette Urban Ministry and the families we serve.