LUM Camp 2019 – Sponsor a Local Child ($150)
“Gear Up” & Give the Gift of Summer Camp

LUM Camp is a week-long, overnight, scholarship-based camp for 8, 9, and 10 year old boys and girls whose parents have received services from LUM in the past year and who are not able to afford the $150 per child cost of camp.
Would you please consider sharing a gift of $150 to give a child this marvelous opportunity?
Your campership will pay for a child’s transportation, room and board, camp activities, books, supplies, and all of our career and vocational programs, in other words everything a camper will need to attend this year’s LUM Camp.
- Sending $300 will allow two children to attend LUM Camp
- Sending $450 will provide three camperships
- $75 will provide half a campership
LUM Camp is one of the finest overnight summer camp programs available to children anywhere. I know of nearly 100 children waiting anxiously to attend. Please, won’t you offer them the gift of LUM Camp?