Joe Micon – Director of LUM Camp for 40 Years
Reflections from Joan Low, LUM Board President

This year will mark Joe Micon’s 40th year at LUM Camp. That’s right, our LUM Camp Director has been at it for four decades! So what keeps a grown man coming back to summer camp for so long? It’s the campers, of course. For these many years Joe has put heart, might, talent, and soul into planning, hiring staff, and leading the most inspiring experiences the campers have ever encountered.
Joe has inspired young imaginations through exciting activities in areas such as biology, engineering, sports, farming, space exploration, math and many more. Campers gain new visions for their future and more tools for realizing those visions. If you ask him, Joe will tell you that his time spent with LUM campers and creating experiences for them has done more to change the world than anything else he has accomplished.
Over Joe’s 40 years at camp he has watched with delight as LUM Campers have grown up, entered college, and gone on to exciting careers. In our community there are social workers, nurses, and teachers who enthusiastically share fond memories of attending a LUM Camp directed by Joe Micon. One LUM Camper even went on to become an accomplished NFL wide receiver, and another is LUM’s current CPA.
I’m sure you realize that Lafayette Urban Ministry is so much more than a social safety net. It is a ministry with a vision for a community where children, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born, can grow up to be valuable contributors in whatever walk of life they choose. And no single person drives this vision toward realization more forcefully than Executive Director Joe Micon!
I hope that this year you will give, not only for our campers, but also in honor of Joe’s 40 years of service to them. Over four decades, Joe has touched the lives of 4,000 at-risk children. I can think of nothing he would appreciate more. I think you can see that LUM Camp is one of the finest overnight summercamp programs available to children anywhere. It will take place during the week of July 29 at beautiful Hanging Rock Camp in Warren County. I know of nearly 100 children waiting anxiously to attend. Please, won’t you offer them the gift of LUM Camp?