Volunteers Needed – Income Tax Assistance
Volunteers Needed – LUM Income Tax Assistance Program
Make a difference in your community by becoming a LUM tax volunteer. Volunteers are needed from Saturday, February 2 through Thursday, April 4 for the LUM Tax Assistance Program.
No experience is necessary — and training is provided. You may even qualify for continuing education credits. There are a number of volunteer roles available — click HERE to see descriptions. For tax preparers, some accounting experience is desired. In all tax volunteer roles, individuals who are bilingual, multi-lingual, and have international experience are helpful. As a LUM tax assistance volunteer, you’ll join a program that’s helped millions of people file tax returns at no charge for more than 40 years.
LUM strengthens our community through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. VITA, a nationwide IRS program, secures greater financial stability and economic opportunity for working families — and directly impacts OUR community. Your help will make a difference — and have a significant positive impact. If you are interested or need more information please click HERE or call or email Josh Prokopy (765-423-2691 | taxes@lumserve.org).