LUM After School Program — 30% Increase
Lafayette Urban Ministry is excited to announce that the LUM After School Program will expand this year to accommodate 30% more students. To make this happen, LUM is partnering with First Christian Church, Lafayette, to use their facility for the 2016-17 After School Program starting August 9.
The LUM After School Program provides safe, fun and educationally enriching childcare for local school children each afternoon. The LUM After School Program will now serve up to 70 children in grades kindergarten through 6th grade each school day for three hours, enabling their parents to finish their workday. The program is staffed by a professionally trained educator and an assistant. Many volunteers and several bus drivers also help.
LUM is excited to expand the After School Program and is grateful to the congregation at First Christian Church with special thanks to their LUM Board representative, Leslie Decker.
If you are interested in volunteering or need more information, call or email Cindy Haley (765.423.2691 |
To make an investment in the LUM After School Program — click HERE to make a donation.