LUM Volunteer Camp Counselors Needed
Don’t Miss This Opportunity — Be a 2016 LUM Camp Counselor!
Few volunteer opportunities offer as much fulfillment as being a LUM Camp Counselor. LUM Camp Counselors are invaluable volunteers who…
- Spend the entire week
(August 1 – 5) at camp serving as life guides and role models - Assist and motivate campers whether they are trying to learn a new skill or have concerns about an issue or idea
- Are fun-loving, patient and genuinely concerned for the welfare and development of young people
- Help create a family environment that makes LUM Camp unique and special
Past LUM Camp counselors often reflect that the rewards of working with children, spending a week in the invigorating outdoor environment of Hanging Rock Christian Assembly Camp, and potentially gaining new skills and experiences — are priceless.
They also enjoy the camp songs, camp fire, camp food, and chapel. LUM simply could not offer LUM Camp without our talented and dedicated Volunteer Camp Counselors.
If this sounds like something for you — or someone you know — complete the online application for LUM Camp Counselor. You won’t regret it!
For the online camp counselor application and additional information, click HERE.