LUM Camp Awarded Grant from Whistler Foundation
The Roy Whistler Foundation awarded $2,646 to LUM Camp to promote the 2015 theme: “For the Beauty of the Earth.” In addition to the “camp fun,” this year’s camp will be filled with educational workshops & projects focused on conservation, which would have been a particular interest to Professor Roy Whistler (pictured left) and is the primary focus of this foundation set up in his honor.
LUM Campers will learn from Purdue Forestry & Entomology experts; and Indiana Department of Natural Resource staff will educate our campers about local wildlife.
Reading assignments will include stories of great US naturalists like John Muir and John Wesley Powell— individuals who dedicated their lives to the conservation of our nation’s natural resources. LUM Campers will learn songs, do crafts, and engage in activities all designed to teach them to respect the natural world around them—now & forever.
Special thanks to the Roy Whistler Foundation and the members of their board of directors for supporting LUM Camp 2015. If you would like to invest in LUM Camp by sponsoring a camper, learn more HERE.