Sponsor a LUM Camper
Sponsor a LUM Camper – Give the Gift of Camp
Dear Friend,
LUM camp has evolved since it’s beginnings in the late 1960’s. It started as an opportunity for Lafayette’s at-risk children to leave the city for a week of fresh air, physical activity and good food. But over the years we’ve come to realize that there is more to camp.
Now, along with the traditional camp activities like swimming, horseback riding and hiking, a week of LUM Camp includes a heavy dose of fun-learning. There are online computer challenges in math, hands-on workshops in science and some serious time set aside for campers to delve into their favorite chapter books.
We’ve learned that each and every moment we are fortunate enough to spend with a low-income child has to be used to that child’s best possible advantage.
Research shows that as much as 60% of the academic achievement gap separating low-income children from their more affluent peers occurs during the summer months. Children from more well-to-do homes keep right on learning throughout the summer while low-income children fall behind. It’s called the summer slide.
When it comes to helping at-risk children to reverse that slide, our modern day LUM Camp is second to none!
LUM Camp is an overnight camp for boys & girls, 8, 9 & 10 years old. They are children who come from families served by the Lafayette Urban Ministry. Our camp includes all the traditional activities a great camp should: morning chapel, horseback riding, swimming, hiking, campfires and an outstanding staff of camp counselors.
But along with these LUM Camp focuses on education. Our 2015 camp will teach children about the wildlife, trees and plants that are native to our area.
Our theme is “For the Beauty of the Earth.”
Campers will learn from Purdue Forestry and Entomology experts. Indiana Department of Natural Resource staff will educate our campers about local wildlife. Our reading assignments will include stories of people who have dedicated their lives to the conservation of our natural resources.
The children will be so captivated by the subject matter that they won’t even realize that their math, science and reading skills are improving, too!
LUM Camp is a scholarship-based camp. We only serve children whose parents can’t afford the $150 cost for the week – which is why I am asking for your help.
Your gift of a $150 LUM Camp campership will pay for a child’s transportation, room and board, camp activities, educational programs and supplies— everything he or she will need to attend this year’s LUM Camp.
If you are in a position to do more…
Of course, any amount you send will help. $75 will cover the cost of one-half of a campership.
So much has changed in the almost 50 years that the Lafayette Urban Ministry has been serving at-risk children through LUM Camp. Without a doubt, the challenges faced by our campers—in their homes, schools and neighborhoods— have become more complex.
The ways we tailor our camp to respond to those challenges continues to change as well.
What hasn’t changed is the positive impact that LUM camp has upon the lives of at-risk children in our community.
LUM Camp is one of the finest overnight summer camp programs available to children anywhere. It will take place during the week of July 27 at beautiful Hanging Rock Camp in Warren County. I know of 100 children who are waiting for the chance to attend – and I know of no better way to make a difference in their lives than by offering each the gift of LUM Camp. Please, may I hear from you today?
PS—It cost $150 to send a child to LUM Camp. Send your LUM Campership in by mail, drop it off, or contribute online here: