LUM Summer Childcare Program – Volunteers Needed
Volunteer Teacher’s Aides for the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program are needed this summer. The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is offered Monday – Friday, Now through August 3
5th Quarter Program—Enhanced Learning
The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is LUM’s all-day experience with enhanced learning, education and recreational activities. The LUM 5th Quarter students recently participated in two special programs — a
Lafayette Mayor Hosts LUM Students
Last week, the students enrolled in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program were invited to Lafayette City Hall by the honorable Mayor Tony Roswarski. Mayor Roswarski shared his story
5th Quarter Students Visit Vinton Pool
Last week, the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program students spent the afternoon at the Vinton Swimming Pool, Lafayette. Recreation and physical exercise is an important part of the 5th Quarter
Summer’s Here – 5th Quarter’s Begun
Each year at this time the LUM childcare programs transition from after-school care to full day. After a successful year with the LUM After School Program which ended on May