Purdue Crew’s Row-A-Thon — Benefits LUM
THIS Saturday, February 11 | Tippecanoe Mall Purdue Rowing Team presents Row-A-Thon in support of the LUM Good Samaritan Fund. Purdue Row-A-Thon 2023 details are as follows: Stop by the mall THIS Saturday, February 11, and check it
Purdue Crew’s Row-A-Thon — Benefits LUM
Saturday, February 11 | Tippecanoe Mall Purdue Rowing Team presents Row-A-Thon in support of the LUM Good Samaritan Fund. Purdue Row-A-Thon 2023 details are as follows: Stop by the mall on Saturday, February 11, and check it out. The co-ed
Linda Hicks – Bon Voyage, Good Friend
Celebration of 17 Years of Service Through LUM After 17 years of service to the community through her work at Lafayette Urban Ministry, Linda Hicks has decided to start a new
Mission Moments – LUM Good Samaritan Fund
Real-Life “Shoes” – Three Families in Crisis The LUM Good Samaritan Fund is a financial assistance program that provides a strong and reliable safety net to our community’s families and children. This financial
A Letter from Executive Director, Wes Tillett
Can You Imagine Being in Someone Else’s Shoes? The roots of EMPATHY lie in our ability to imagine ourselves in someone else’s shoes. I invite you to jump into the shoes of a
LUM Receives $7,500 Grant from Glick Fund
LUM Good Samaritan Fund – A Glick Grantee The LUM 50th Anniversary Celebration continues with the goal of raising at least $50,000 — representing $1,000 per year — for the LUM Good Samaritan Fund. This campaign received
Celebrating Mary & Women’s History Month
Mary Anderson, Executive Director Emerita It is March — and LUM is celebrating Women’s History Month by spotlighting Mary Anderson. Mary started at LUM in 1994, was the interim executive director from 2004
COVID-19 Response to Local Financial Need
LUM Offers Direct Financial Assistance plus Hope In 2019, the last “normal” year that any of us experienced, the LUM Good Samaritan Program disbursed $103,617 to 1,783 individuals. That money was
Linda’s Reflections On COVID-19 from the Frontlines
Good Samaritan Program “Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote, ‘Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.’ The ability to help others through the Good Samaritan Program has felt hopeful during
Financial Assistance – First Quarter 2021
Financial Assistance – Since January 2021 As LUM closes out the first quarter of 2021, it is worthy to note that although families are receiving their tax refunds and stimulus