Thanks to Jubilee Christmas Host Sites & Partners
Very Special Thanks to All of the Jubilee Christmas Host Sites
- Bethany Presbyterian
- Brown Street United Methodist
- Central Presbyterian
- Chapel of the Good Shepherd
- Christ United Methodist
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Church of the Blessed Sacrament
- Congress Street United Methodist
- Connection Point
- Dayton Memorial Presbyterian
- Elston Presbyterian
- Faith Presbyterian
- Federated
- First Baptist
- First Christian
- First United Methodist
- Grace United Methodist
- Heartland Community
- Holy Trinity Lutheran
- Immanuel United Church of Christ
- Lafayette Church of the Brethren
- Lafayette Friends Meeting
- Our Saviour Lutheran
- Riverside Covenant
- St. Andrew United Methodist
- St. John’s Episcopal
- St. Lawrence Catholic
- St. Mary Cathedral
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- Trinity United Methodist
- Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County
For more information on LUM Jubilee Christmas, click HERE.