
LUM Volunteer of the Month – Matilda

Lafayette Urban Ministry is proud to recognize Matilda L. Berry as the Volunteer of the Month for August. Matilda, a graduate of West Lafayette High School, has made an outstanding contribution to LUM through her work with the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program this year.

Matilda is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Iowa pursuing a double major in English & Creative Writing and Secondary Education. She is new to the LUM volunteer team, but despite this being her first year volunteering, she has quickly become a valued member of the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, bringing her passion for education and creativity to the role.

“Everyone at LUM is so dedicated to what they do,” Matilda remarked. “Whether they’re staff or volunteers, you can tell that all the people in the 5th Quarter Program really care about the kids.”

Matilda’s enthusiasm for working with children shines through in her volunteer work. She finds the experience not only rewarding but also enjoyable, especially as she prepares for a future career in education.

“It’s a great way to help others while also having a little fun yourself—the kids at the 5th Quarter Program are a lot of fun to work with, and it’s especially a good experience if you’re thinking of going into education.”

When she’s not volunteering or studying, Matilda enjoys writing stories, doodling, and playing a bit of guitar. She lives in Lafayette with her parents—her mother, a pharmacist, and her father, a research technology specialist at Purdue—along with their three cats.

LUM is grateful for Matilda’s dedication and creativity, which have brought joy and learning to the children in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program. LUM is excited to see her continue to grow in her volunteer role and in her studies.

If you are inspired by Matilda’s story and would like to volunteer with LUM, check out the LUM website or call or email the LUM volunteer coordinator, Terri Anderson (volunteer@LUMserve.org | 765-423-2691).

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