LUM Tax Assistance Program in Full Swing
Impressive Tax Program Statistics So Far
In only three weeks, the LUM Tax Assistance Program has already had a tremendous positive impact on our community. Some interesting statistics so far are as follows:
- Total Income Tax Returns Filed – 182
- Total Earned Income Credit – $63,925
- Average Adjusted Gross Income – $22,717
- Total Refund Amount – $238,365
The 2023 LUM Tax Assistance Program is led by Dan Guckien. LUM would not be able to offer this service without the skilled, trained volunteers who make this important LUM program such a success each year. Taxpayers get one-on-one help from IRS-certified volunteers who prepare their taxes at no charge. Appointments are still available.
How the LUM Tax Assistance Program is a vital program that boosts the local economy:
- Refunds boost our local economy by increasing sales and creating jobs in retail
- Lower wage workers can’t afford to have their tax returns prepared professionally – or have limited access to technology to prepare their own
- Federal & state support for working families is often offered through tax code
- If individuals don’t file, significant tax credits will be left unclaimed
LUM is proud of the volunteer Tax Assistance team for making it possible to continue offering this service during the COVID resurgence. This year the volunteers & staff are as follows:
- Geneva Baker, Connie Decker, Jan Engle, Dan Guckien, Kathy Hicks, Olena Hillberry, Ai Ai Lau, Cheryl Nettleman, Patti O’Callaghan, Rob Patrick, Ann Pellegrino, Paul Preckel, Josh Prokopy, Bharathi Raghothama, Carol Robicheaux, Andrea Schmidt, Tricia Sembroski, Ron Smith, Stephanie Vanderkar, and Janet Winters
Join us in THANKING these volunteers.